Aircraft Carrier Builders (ACB) site is dedicated to modelers with special interest in aircraft carriers, and naval aviation from any era, any nations. The site's mission is to provide space for any kind of related materials, to make a good knowledge base, and data library for modelers. If you have any articles, models, photos or any other related materials, please don't hesitate to share with the fellow modelers!

Created by Zoltan "neu" Pocza

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If you want to be notified about changes and news at ACB, please subscribe to the newsletter! Click here to subscribe or unsubscribe!.
Please understand that the forum registration and the newsletter subscription is not the same. Unfortunately I cannot send out the newsletters for the registered users of the forum anymore because of technical limitations. Even though if you're already registered to the forum, please register to the newsletter as well if you want to receive notifications about the updates!
  All your naval aviation and carrier related models, articles, photos, reviews are waiting to be uploaded, to be shared with the fellow modelers from all over the world! What are you waiting for? Click here to Make your submissions!

What's new: September 29, 2005


  • The Final Countdown Group Build passed the first 3 months. We're halfway of the event. If you're not in, it's still not too late! You have 3 more months to complete your build! Don't forget, we have raffle prizes offered from LuckyModel, and Afterburner Decals, so you every chance to win something!

News by Alert 5:


What's new: September 22, 2005



Unfortunately my internet provider limited the number of outgoing emails, that means that I cannot send further newsletters to the registered users of the forum. I created a new mailing list that is on independent service from the site, and from the current internet provider. Good thing in the trouble, that we can separate the forum registration and the newsletter registration from now. There are three options from now:

  • For those who are not requesting the newsletters, but want to use the forum, only the forum registration is needed (you don't need to register to the forum again, if you're already a member). If you're not registered, you can do that in the forum menu on the left. If you're registered to the forum, and you'd like to receive the newsletter as well in the future, please register to the newsletter here, or you can register later in the darker field above, right from the What's new text.

  • For those who wants to get the newsletter only, only the newsletter registration needed. You can register to the newsletter here, or you can register later in the darker field above, right from the What's new text.

  • If you want to use the forum, and you'd like to receive the newsletter as well, then you'll need both registration.

As always I'm not using your registration data for any other than the purpose of it, I never send spams, unwanted emails to you, and I never give your email address away. Please report if you're having problems with the registration!

News by Alert 5:


What's new: September 14, 2005


  • Afterburner decals offered 2 sheets of 1/48 and two sheets of 1/32 decals from their range as raffle prizes to support out Final Countdown Group Build Their line of products are not for naval aircrafts now, but I'm sure that all the winners will be happy by this too! Please check their website to get some idea about their product line! Thank you for your support!
  • More prizes to come! Remember, there will be raffle prizes, so everybody have the same chance to win! If you or your company is ready to offer some prizes for this event, please feel free to contact me!


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: September 6, 2005


  • There are still several invalid email addresses in the forum database. It means that some of you probably entered a wrong email address at registration. Because if this you will not be able to get the newsletters about the site updates, and you will not be able to get notification when someone replies to a forum that you are "watching". These emails are bouncing back, and I'm receiving them as a delivery fault. I'm receiving 1-2 delivery error emails every day because of this. Please check if your email address is correct in your registration (you can check it in the forum by clicking the "Profile" in the top right section of the main forum page)


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: September 1, 2005


  • The Final Countdown Group Build passed the first 2 months. We're at the one third of the timeframe of the event. It seems there's a growing interest to the group build. If you're not in, it's still not too late! You have 4 months to complete your build!


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 24, 2005


  • Sorry for the long delays between the updates, but I'm really busy, and I'm traveling back to my home every weekend so I cannot prepare the articles. Probably I'll have more time from the middle of September.


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 18, 2005


  • Several of you added incorrect email addresses to the forum at registration, and for these persons all the newsletter emails are bouncing back to me. Please check your email address in your registration, and update it if necessary! Also sometimes it's recommended to cleanup your mailbox, as I simply cannot contact some of you because your mailboxes are full.


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 16, 2005


  • Gerry Prettyman sent us some info of THE FORMATION OF THE BRITISH BUCCANEERS. 66 SQUADRON. Details follows:

    The association of naval aviation or the A.N.A. is a non profit, educational and fraternal society of naval aviation, whose main purpose is to educate the public and the national leaders on the vital roles of the navy, Marine Corps and the coast guard. We do this through published writing, symposia, speeches and discussions. Visit the A.N.A. web site at www.anahq.org for more details. The formation of the British squadron was officially formed at Fort Nelson in Portsmouth, England, on the 30th June 2005. We had the honour of the president of the A.N.A. Admiral Phillip D. Smith USN (retired ), Capt, Eric Brown, who flew many captured German aircraft after world war two, such as the ME 262, ME 163 and many more. The members of the Buccaneers come from all over the U. K. And meet whenever they can. Anyone who may be interested in joining the Buccaneers in the U.k. can e-mail me  At garryprettyman2004@yahoo.co.uk.



  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 11, 2005


  • I moved to Germany, and I'm in the temporary accommodation, and as I thought before, I have no internet access, so it's really hard to make the updates. I'll try to make as many update's as possible, but I cannot promise anything for sure.


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 9, 2005


  • I moved to Germany, and I'm in the temporary accommodation, and as I thought before, I have no internet access, so it's really hard to make the updates. I'll try to make as many update's as possible, but I cannot promise anything for sure.


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.


What's new: August 4, 2005


  • I moved to Germany, and I'm in the temporary accommodation, and as I thought before, I have no internet access, so it's really hard to make the updates. I'll try to make as many update's as possible, but I cannot promise anything for sure.


  • Sorry, but I cannot provide you news until I'm in the temporary accommodation here. Until then, please feel free to check Alert5, our news provider.

Click here to see the previous updates...